Scientific Name
Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.A. Mey
This species has been considered a variety of Amsinckia menziesii (see also account for this species) by some authorities. It is a more robust plant than A. menziessii, with larger flowers.
Encountered at two localities on CI habitats, on one (the hill to the north of Sage Hall) it was growing intermixed with A. menziesii. Found on open, sunny habitats. Relatively abundant when present.
More on this species at CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual(2012: 454, Amsinckia, by Ronald B. Kelley and Fred R. Ganders).
Dale (2000: 77).
McAuley (1996: 261).

Amsinckia intermedia on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (27 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (27 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (27 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (27 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (27 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia (?), young plants on hillside above Camarillo Park entrance area, CI (15 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia (?) on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (20 February 2013).

Amsinckia intermedia (?) on crest of hill to the north of Sage Hall, CI, growing in full sun (20 February 2013).