Scientific Name
Polypodium californicum Kauf.
A common, low growing fern found largely along the coast in California and Baja California.
This is the most common CSUCI fern. Is occurs is shady, moist habitats (such as north-facing slopes). It is particularly common along the edges of large rocks or growing from crevices in rocks.
Small fiddle heads emerge shortly after the first of the winter rains (October/November). By mid to late May, the foliage is largely dead and brown. Sporulation is common, even in dry years.
See this species CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual (2012: 123, Polypodiaceae, Alan R. Smith).
McAuley (1996: 374).

Polypodium californicum emerging from a mat of moss, on north facing slope to south of University Park, CI (21 February 2013).

Polypodium californicum growing from rock face on slope to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (29 January 2013). Note the swellings on the surface of the fronts than indicate the development of sori on the fronds underside.

Polypodium californicum on north facing hillside to the south of University Park, CI(5 February 2013).

Polypodium californicum on north facing hillside to the south of University Park, CI(21 February 2013).

Polypodium californicum growing from rock face on slope to the south of Malibu Hall, CI. Note associated species Selaginella bigelovii, Dudleya blochmaniae and D. verity, all sharing the lichen bed nursery (10 March 2016).