Scientific Name
Castilleja exserta (A.A. Heller) Chuang & Heckard
First observed on CI habitats by CI student Sean Clark in Spring 2015. Not encountered earlier or before the fire.
More on this species at Calflora
The Jepson Manual (2012: 960, Castilleja by Margriet Wetherwax, T.I. Chuang and Lawrence R. Heckard)
Dale (2000: 186).
McAuley (1996: 511).

Castilleja exserta on north facing slope of hill in Camarillo Park to south of model airplane field, near crest, in shadow of large boulders. Notealso white flowered Gilia angelensis(18 March 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad (20 March 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad. Note the abundant white-flowered Gilia angelensis (20 March 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad. Note the white-flowered Gila angelensis(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).

Castilleja exserta along crest of hill to west of University Glen, up slope and to the south of the water tanks and concrete pad(23 February 2015).