Scientific Name
Dodecatheon clevelandii E. Greene
This species grows in patches in the shaded areas of north facing slopes. It can be particularly abundant on the north facing hillside to the south of University Glen. The slope opposite of the tot lot in University Glen is an excellent place to see it from an existing pathway. The patches are larger and the plants more numerous in wetter years.
More on this species at Calflora.;
The Jepson Manual (2012: 1129, Dodecatheon by Syliva Kelso).
Dale (200: 162)
McAuley (1996: 479).
Dodecatheon clevelandii is one of the treasures of the hillsides around CI. I've been trying to take the perfect photograph of it for years...below are some of my attempts.

Dodecatheon clevelandii hillside above Camarillo Park entrance area, CI (5 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii, purple flowers are normal, but an occasional plant produces white flowers. Here are both, on the slope to south of University Glen, opposite the tot lot, CI (11 January 2011).

Dodecatheon clevelandii, white flowers, on north east facing slope of hill to the north of Sage hall, CI (20 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii, purple flowers, on north east facing slope of hill to the north of Sage hall, CI (20 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii often grows in dense patches on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to south of University Glen, CI. Note the ovoid seed pod towards upper left of image (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii, a plant with white flowers, on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (29 February 2008).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI. Note the dried stalk with empty seed pods of this species from the 2012 season (to the right rear) (29 January 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI. Note maturing seed pod (5 March 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii a clutch of white flowers on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (7 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (7 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii whole plants on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (7 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (7 February 2013).

Dodecatheon clevelandii seedlings, along with young D. blochmaniae on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (9 January 2004).

Dodecatheon clevelandii seedlings on hillside to south of University Glen, CI (9 January 2004).

Dodecatheon clevelandii in wetter years, this species can be quite abundant and the patches rather large, as seen here on the hillside to south of University Glen (29 February 2008).