Scientific Name
Dudleya pulverulenta (Nutt.) Britton & Rose ssp. pulverulenta
A large, light green succulent, growing as a rosette of broad leaves. Occurs in exposed sunny zones, such as south-facing slopes and the tops of ridges.
Much larger, and more visible than D. lanceolata, but not nearly as abundant. The two species are not often found growing in close proximity. The light green plants are visible on hillsides from quite a distance.
More on this species at CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual (2012: 689, Dudleyaby Stephen Ward McCabe).
Dale (2000: 102).
McAuley (1996: 321).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall and University Glen, CI. Specimens of this species are commonly found in stands of Opuntia littoralis, as seen here (1 February 2013).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hillside above Camarillo Park entrance area, CI (5 February 2013).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall and University Glen, CI, with inflorescences emerging from the rosette. Note the Eriogonum fasciculatum to the right, with developing flower buds (7 March 2013).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hillside above Camarillo Park entrance area, CI (11 April 2013).

Dudleya pulverulenta growing from rock face, to the south of Malibu Hall, CI. Note inflorescences from previous years projecting from rosette (28 February 2013).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall and University Glen, CI (29 January 2013).

Dudleya pulverulenta on north face of hill to south west of model airplane field in University Park, CI campus (1 June 2015).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hill to west of Aliso Hall, near stone chimney, CI campus (14 May 2015).

Dudleya pulverulenta on hill to south of Malibu Hall, near west end of hill, CI campus (15 July 2015).

Dudleya pulverulenta on north face of hill to south west of model airplane field in University Park, CI campus (1 June 2015).

Dudleya pulverulenta west facing slope of hill above (to the east) old concrete water tank on Camarillo Street, CI campus (5 June 2015).

Dudleya pulverulenta west facing slope of hill above (to the east) old concrete water tank on Camarillo Street, CI campus (5 June 2015).