Scientific Name
Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven
This species easily adapts to use in a native plant garden. The bright red flowers attract hummingbirds.
Occasionally observed growing as a volunteer in landscaped areas near natural habitats.
Post Fire
A large patch of this species was observed in flower on 10 September 2013 on the north facing slope of the hill to the south of Aliso Hall, CI (photograph below). Very few other small plants have appeared on this habitat by this time, although some woody plants are recovering from root stock.
More on this species at Calflora
The Jepson Manual (2012: 942, Epilobium by Peter C. Hoch)
Dale (2000: 144).
McAuley (1996: 436).

Epilobium canum at base of large rock on hillside behind (to the south) of Malibu Hall, CI. In the pre-fire conditions, this species was rarely observed in the natural areas, although occasionally seen in landscaped areas (22 April 2013).

Epilobium canum flowers in native plant garden in Camarillo, CA (27 July 2013).

Epilobium canum flowers in native plant garden in Camarillo, CA (27 July 2013).

Epilobium canum flowers in native plant garden in Camarillo, CA (27 July 2013).

Epilobium canum flowers in native plant garden in Camarillo, CA (27 July 2013).

Epilobium canum flowers in native plant garden in Camarillo, CA (27 July 2013).

Epilobium canum on post-fire habitat, hillside between Aliso Hall and Round Mountain (north facing side). This species was rarely encountered in the pre-fire habitat, and never in this abundance (10 September 2013).