Scientific Name
Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) Greene var. grindelioides (DC.) W. D. Clark
This shrub is not common on CI habitats. In fact, it went unobserved there until 2019, but has since been confirmed from multiple sites.
More on this species at CalFlora
The Jepson Manual(2012: 340, genus Hazardia by David J. Keil, Gregory K. Brown & W.D. Clark).
Dale (2000: 65).
McAuley (1996: 224).

Hazardia squarrosa, top of hill, west of University Glen (15 March 2020).

Hazardia squarrosa, just east of University Glen (18 July 2019).

Hazardia squarrosa, just east of University Glen (1 September 2019).

Hazardia squarrosa, just east of University Glen (22 September 2019).

Hazardia squarrosa, just east of University Glen (22 September 2019).

Hazardia squarrosa, just east of University Glen (22 September 2019).

Hazardia squarrosa, just north of University Glen (2 April 2020).