Scientific Name
Opuntia littoralis (Engelm.) Cell.
A very common cactus at low elevations near the coast.
This species grows in sprawling patches on sun drenched slopes and ridges. The south facing slopes of some hills on campus are all but inaccessible due to the dense stands of this species. The fruits are edible and widely utilized for food by the Chumash and European settlers.
More on this species at CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual (2012: 586, Cactaceae by Bruce D. Parfitt).
Dale (2000: 88).
McAuley (1996: 285).

Opuntia litteralis on hillside to the south of University Glen and the Town Center, CI. The photograph was taken about a month after the Springs Fire. In some rocky areas, plants such as this cactus survived the fire (3 June 2013).

Opuntia litteralis on hillside to the south of University Glen and the Town Center, CI. The photograph was taken about a month after the Springs Fire. In some rocky areas, plants such as this cactus survived the fire (14 June 2013).

Opuntia littoralis along path to the east of University Glen, CI (23 April 2013).

Opuntia litteralis on hillside to the south of University Glen and the Town Center, CI (24 April 2013).

Opuntia littoralis along path to the east of University Glen, CI (23 February 2003).

Dense stand of Opuntia littoralis, south facing side of hill above entrance area to Camarillo Park, CI (11 April 2013).