Scientific Name
Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatsk. et al.
Widely distributed in western North America, and nearly throughout California in preferred habitats. Three subspecies are recorded from California; CI plants not yet identified to subspecies.
Generally occurs as small isolated plants or patches in well-shaded spots, including deep in crevices in rocks. Not extremely common. When mature copious numbers of yellowish spores produced undersides of fronds.
Active from shortly after first rains (October/November) through mid to late May.
Seethis species on CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual (2012: 132, Pteridaceae, Ruth E.B. Kirkpatric, Alan R. Smith and Thomas Lemieux).
McAuley (1996: 373).

Pentogramma triangularis on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (5 March 2013).

Pentogramma triangularis, detail of frond, note the very dark rachis ("stem") typical of this species, on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (28 February 2013).

Pentogramma triangularis on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI. The tall blade-like leaves belong to Dichelostemma capitatus (5 March 2013).

Pentogramma triangularis on hillside to the south of Malibu Hall, CI (7 March 2013).

Pentogramma triangularis on hillside to the south of University Glen and Malibu Hall, CI. In the foreground is Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia (with the fern-like leaves); to the back is Claytonia perfoliata (19 February 2005).

Pentogramma triangularis at the end of its season, hillside to south of University Glen, CI (10 April 2013).