Scientific Name
Pterostegia drymarioides Fischer & C. Meyer
More on this species at Calflora.
The Jepson Manual (2012: 1121, Polygonaceae by Mihai Costea and James L. Reveal).
McAuley (1996: 471).

Pterostegia drymarioides, a very young plant on hillside to south of University Glen, opposite of tot lot (11 January 2011).

Pterostegia drymarioides hillside to south of University Glen, opposite of tot lot (11 January 2011).

Pterostegia drymarioides, a very young plant on hillside above Camarillo Park entrance area (15 February 2013).

Pterostegia drymarioides hillside to south of University Glen, opposite of tot lot (18 December 2004).

Pterostegia drymarioides, a very young plant on hillside to south of University Glen, opposite of tot lot. Note also Dudleya blochmaniae and Crassula connate in this view (19 February 2005).

Pterostegia drymarioides on hillside to south of University Glen, opposite of tot lot (19 February 2005).

Pterostegia drymarioides on hillside to south of University Glen, opposite of tot lot (25 May 2003).

Pterostegia drymarioides high on hillside to east of Camarillo Street, west face, above old concrete water tank. (21 March 2016).