Scientific Name
Rafinesquia californica Nutt.
This species, a fire follower, is widespread in the southwestern United States and into northern Mexico.
Found on scattered CI sites in years following the Springs Fire of May 2013.
More on this species at CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual (2012: 411, Rafinesquia by L. D. Gottlieb).
Dale (2000: 71).
McAuley (1996: 244).

Rafinesquia californica on hillside opposite of Condor Field, Camarillo Park, CI (20 May 2014).

Rafinesquia californica on hillside opposite of Condor Field, Camarillo Park, CI (20 May 2014).

Rafinesquia californica on hill to west of Aliso Hall, CI, near the helipad (2 June 2014).

Rafinesquia californica on hill to west of Aliso Hall, CI, near the helipad (2 June 2014).

Rafinesquia californica on hill to west of Aliso Hall, CI, near the helipad (2 June 2014).

Rafinesquia californica on hill to west of Aliso Hall, CI, near the helipad (2 June 2014).

Rafinesquia californica in Camarillo Park on hillside to south of entrance area (4 May 2014).