Scientific Name
Stephanomeria virgata Benth.
This, often tall, annual with pale blue flowers, blooms in Summer-Fall, and is often associated with disturbed habitats.
Observed blooming on CI habitats as early as June, and sometimes blooming through the Summer and Fall, up to onset of Winter rains.
Post-Fire Observations
This species was observed in October before the onset of Winter rains. This would be a 'normal,' non-fire affected time to see it.
More on this species at CalFlora.
The Jepson Manual(2012: 427, Stephanomeria by L. D. Gottleib).
Dale (2000: 74).
McAuley (1996: 252).

Stephanomeria virgata in disturbed area directly behind Malibu Hall, CI (9 October 2013).

Stephanomeria virgata in disturbed area directly behind Malibu Hall, CI (9 October 2013).

Stephanomeria virgata on hillside behind Malibu Hall, CI. This plant was observed in January, far into the rainy season (11 January 2011).

Stephanomeria virgata on hillside to north of University Glen, CI campus (12 June 2016).

Stephanomeria virgata near base of hill to north of University Glen, CI Campus (12 June 2016).

Stephanomeria virgata near base of hill to south of University Glen, CI campus (13 June 2014).

Stephanomeria virgata on slope above (to south) of the University Park entrance area (1 June 2015).

Stephanomeria virgata on slope above (to south) of the University Park entrance area (1 June 2015).

Stephanomeria virgata on hill to west of Aliso Hall, CI campus (2 June 2014).

Stephanomeria virgata on hill above (south) of Malibu Hall, CI campus (31 October 2014).